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A Brotherhood Aimed Towards Education


Motorcycle Rider Education

A.B.A.T.E. of Iowa is a proud sponsor of Iowa’s quality License Waiver curriculums administered by the Office of Driver Services Department of Transportation. A.B.A.T.E. of Iowa’s training program provides 4 MSF curriculums; BRC, BRC2, 3WBRC, and ARC.  A.B.A.T.E. of Iowa provides motorcycle rider training at various locations throughout the State of Iowa. Our instructors are Iowa-licensed, MSF-certified, and are all experienced motorcyclists.  More information for each curriculum can be found further down this page.

Why is there a need for rider education?

A motorcycle rider’s judgment is critical. In single-vehicle crashes, rider error is the most common cause. Crashes with other vehicles also occur because either one or both operators make errors in judgment. Many collisions and injuries could have been avoided if the motorcycle rider had known when and how to swerve or brake.

Available Courses

There are 4 different courses available throughout the year. Descriptions and registration links are available below.


Please select the Register Now button next to the desired course to see available dates and register for a course. When you click on this button, it will take you to a listing of all the ranges that offer your desired course. You will need to select your range of choice, click on “Next Step” at the bottom of the page, and you will then be presented with the listing of dates scheduled.  You need to select the date you want and click “Next” at the bottom of that page to move forward and enroll.  


You have 5 days to pay once you submit your registration
or your registration will be cancelled.





Basic Rider Course (BRC)

The beginning rider and the intermediate rider will gain from this 15-hour course.  The course is designed for inexperienced riders who want to improve their riding skills.  Anyone who is at least 14 years old may take the course.  Students under 18 must have their parent sign a waiver at class unless other arrangements ahead of time.


Motorcycles are provided for use during the course.  Students must bring full-finger gloves, a long-sleeved shirt or jacket, long pants, and sturdy over-the-ankle footwear.  Helmets and eye protection must be worn and will be provided for students who do not have their own.  No one will be allowed to ride without this equipment.


Students must complete an eCourse before class.  It will take approximately 5 hours to complete.  The cost is included in the tuition price.


The BRC course will include approximately fifteen hours of instruction:

  •  10 hours of on-cycle instruction

  •  Use of motorcycle (and helmet if needed)

  •  Course textbook

What the Basic Riding Course will do for you.

To meet the challenge of motorcycling, a rider needs skill and knowledge.  The BRC course will give you the physical skills to make your motorcycle perform like an extension of yourself and the knowledge to apply those skills appropriately.


In the BRC course, you will practice and develop the four fundamental riding skills:


  •  Straight-line riding

  •  Turning

  •  Shifting

  •  Stopping.


Then you will expand these basic skills into street-riding skills:

  •  Advanced turning techniques

  •  Maximum-braking techniques

  •  Swerving


You will also learn and practice the mental skills needed to develop:

  •  Street-riding strategies

  •  The ability to deal with special situations


Increasing these skills through training and practice will increase your riding enjoyment and decrease your chance of a mishap.


The BRC does have a written test and a riding skills test. Successful completion of BOTH tests is required to receive a DOT certificate of completion – with which the DOT may waive the riding portion of the motorcycle license testing.


This course is required by Iowa law to obtain a motorcycle operator’s license for all residents under the age of 18. Persons under 18 years of age must have their parent or guardian's written consent (forms provided) at the first class meeting.


You may be eligible to receive a discount on your motorcycle insurance after completing this course.


You have 5 days to pay once you submit your registration or your registration will be cancelled.






Basic Rider Course 2 (BRC2)

For riders who already have basic skills. It is similar to the BRC except for the higher speeds, and riders will ride their motorcycles. It is an excellent refresher course for practicing and renewing basic riding skills. There is a classroom portion.


Students must bring full-finger gloves, long sleeve shirt or jacket, long pants, and sturdy over-the-ankle footwear. Helmets and eye protection must be worn and will be provided for students who do not have their own. No one will be allowed to ride without this equipment.


Students must complete an eCourse before class. It will take approximately 3 hours to complete. The cost is included in the tuition price.


You have 5 days to pay once you submit your registration or your registration will be cancelled.







Basic Rider Course 3 Wheel (3WBRC)

The best place for a new rider to start once they’ve decided to ride a 3-wheel motorcycle (3WMC). This class will be approximately 14 hours. Students must bring full-finger gloves, a long-sleeved shirt or jacket, long pants, and sturdy over-the-ankle footwear. Helmets and eye protection must be worn and will be provided for students who do not have their own. No one will be allowed to ride without this equipment.


Students must provide their own 3-wheel motorcycle for this class. Written permission is required if the student does not own the 3-wheel motorcycle.


A 3WMC must meet the following design requirements:

  1. Three-track wheel orientation (leaves three separate tracks during straight-line operation) 

    • Dual wheels may be in the front or the rear.

  2.  Motorcycle-based conversion or design

    • Handlebar steering

    • Motorcycle-type controls arranged with the standard convention (convenience alterations such as a single brake pedal or lever control, automatic clutch, or automatic transmission are allowed).

    • Saddle seating

    • Seating causes the rider/passenger to straddle the vehicle

    • The passenger must be seated behind the operator if designed for a passenger.

  3. ​The turning diameter of the vehicle at its widest point must be less than 40′.

  4. The vehicle must meet all applicable federal/state on-road vehicle standards.


Vehicles with the following designs will not be allowed in the 3WBRC:

  • Automotive hybrids or automotive conversions

  • Motorcycles with sidecars

  • Vehicles with automotive controls or seating

  • Vehicles with rear or front-mounted engines (engines must be mounted mid-frame below the rider)

  • Vehicles with enclosed or semi-enclosed riding compartments

  • Any other radical departure from the standard motorcycle design, unless such departures are required to compensate for a physical handicap.


You have 5 days to pay once you submit your registration or your registration will be cancelled.





Advanced Rider Course (ARC)

The Advanced Rider Course is a one-day class with approximately 2 hours of classroom and 5 hours of motorcycle training. The faster pace of classroom activities improves perception and hazard awareness. The enhanced range exercises are to improve operating skills and crash avoidance skills. Motorcycles are not provided for this class. Students should bring the motorcycle that they ride on a normal basis. It is not a requirement but students should take the BRC2 first before they sign up for the ARC.


You have 5 days to pay once you submit your registration or your registration will be cancelled.

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